I’m sure many of you have your students create some sort of introductory poster at the beginning of the school year to display on the wall. It’s a simple idea but a great way to teach lots of new vocabulary and have students work on something relevant to them. I had been using the same template for years when I decided to spruce it up this year. I was inspired by this great post from Territoires de Langues suggesting making this activity into a mind map. I loved the idea, but given my students’ limited vocabulary at this point of the year, I had to give them more guidance. So this is what I came up with:
Feel free to use it in your class! Let me know what you like about it or what you might change. Students are given a list of vocabulary terms to like or dislike and learn how to state their nationality before completing the activity. In the center goes a picture, drawn or brought in from home. Here’s how they look on the wall: