1. My students, who come to class eager to learn every day (and I’m not making that up!).
2. My colleagues, whom I can turn to with questions and can collaborate with.
3. All the bloggers whose blogs I read; I get so many ideas from other teachers!
4. Being able to teach at the same middle school I attended as a kid. It gives me a stronger sense of community and connects me better to my students.
5. Being 1:1 this year; it has facilitated the use of technology in the classroom.
6. When students say “Merci !” as they walk out the door.
7. When a student gives me a thoughtfully written card (especially if it’s written in French!)
8. The opportunity to be able to share my ideas on this blog. It’s exciting to connect with other educators/
0. Having had the opportunity to attend the ACTFL Convention in New Orleans this year! Stay tuned for a forthcoming blog post on the topic.
10. Having a job I enjoy going to every day!
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