The past couple of years I have made a post at the end of the school year showcasing some photos I took during the year. This year I have continued the tradition with photos from the 2022-2023 school year.

Students create norms for the school year. Click here to learn more about norming.

Students play Connect 4 to practice numbers. They roll two dice and add the numbers together, then color in a circle with that number. The first to color four in a row wins.

French Club students draw flags of French-speaking countries with sidewalk chalk outside the school in anticipation of National French Week.

Students drew flags of French-speaking countries, regions, and territories to reinforce the spread of the French language. Click here to learn more about this activity.

A student reads their first letter from their pen pal in Loupian, France. Click here to learn more about my pen pal project.

Students look at each other’s “Qui est-ce” projects and try to guess the mystery celebrity or character being described. Click here to learn more about this activity.

Using the Spectre app on my phone, I took these long exposures of students having fun at the 7th grade dance.

Again using the Spectre app, I took this long exposure of students retrieving their shoes with treats in them on St. Nicholas day. Click here for more St. Nicholas day ideas.

A French Hanukkah cake and bûche de Noël are ready to be eaten by students after learning about winter holiday traditions in the French-speaking world.

A student reads their second letter from their pen pal in France.

A snowy day captured from my classroom window!

The students put on an excellent performance of The Little Mermaid in February.

A student enjoys a homemade crêpe at my annual crêpe event.

A student in my elementary after school enrichment French class fills in her book after learning about weather and seasons. Click here to learn more about my FLES lessons.

A student makes a mask for Mardi Gras after learning about typical Mardi Gras mask styles.

A student enjoys a slice of King’s Cake to celebrate Mardi Gras.

Beignets are ready to be consumed by students to celebrate Mardi Gras.

Using the Spectre app, I captured these long exposures of the 8th grade semi-formal.

Students enjoy playing “Write, Draw, Pass” to practice writing. Click here to learn more about the activity.

Eggspert made a comeback this year. Click here and here to learn about how I used it.

A student holds up a colored fish for Poisson d’avril.

A student writes a compliment for a classmate for my positive adjectives activity. Click here to learn more about the activity.

Students dance to “Alouette” during an elementary French lesson taught by middle school French students. Click here to learn more about this project.

My elementary students play a board game I made using emojis to practice vocabulary.

A student recreates an Impressionist painting in Kleki after learning about the art form and several Impressionist artists. Click here and here to learn more about how I introduce my students to Impressionism.

A view of Lake George from aboard the Lac du Saint-Sacrément for the first annual 7th grade boat trip.

Students dance aboard the Lac du Saint-Sacrément.

I once again used the Spectre app to capture these last day of school dismissal scenes. And that’s it; year 13 is in the books!
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