It’s that time of year where alternate schedules are popping up and I am seeing some classes more than others. I was recently looking for an activity to do with some of the classes I saw more of, and I came across this game I hadn’t played in years. Basically, all you have to do is find the one word that is somehow not like the others. This is a great game to play in groups, and although it is challenging, students really get into it! This game can be adapted for just about any level. With upper levels, you can also discuss the answers in French. Here is my version of the game, and I’ll give you the answers so you can see my rationale:
1. une glace, une crêpe, un croissant, un thé (un thé because it is the only one which is not a food)
2. danser, chanter, un crayon, écouter (un crayon because it is the only one which is not a verb or activity)
3. un chat, un stylo, un chien, un lion (un stylo because it is the only one which is not an animal)
4. Le Japon, Le Sénégal, La France, Le Canada (Le Japon because it is the only one which is not a French-speaking country)
5. un garçon, une grand-mère, un homme, un frère (une grand-mère because it is the only female)
6. il fait beau, il fait chaud, il fait froid, il y a du soleil (il fait froid because it is the only non-summer weather)
7. mercredi, dimanche, mars, jeudi (mars because it is the only one which is not a day of the week)
8. le printemps, le matin, l’hiver, l’été (le matin because it is the only one which is not a season)
9. comment, avec qui, parce que, pourquoi (parce que because it is the only one which is not a question word)
10. une fille, une mère, une sœur, un père (un père because it is the only male)
11. Loupian, Marseille, Montréal, Paris (Montréal because it is the only city not in France) (On a side note, Loupian is where my students’ pen pals are located.)
12. samedi, janvier, juillet, avril (samedi because it is the only one which is not a month)
13. soixante, carotte, quarante, cinquante (carotte because it is the only one which is not a number)
14. un garçon, un.e enfant, une fille, une femme (une femme because it is the only adult)
15. rose, triste, vert, violet (triste because it is the only one which is not a color)
16. une crêpe, un jus de pomme, un café, un soda (une crêpe because it is the only one which is not a beverage)
17. un cinéma, une boulangerie, un restaurant, une crêperie (un cinéma because it is the only one which is not an eating establishment)
18. le foot, le basket, le pied, le tennis (le pied because it is the only one which is not a sport)
19. génial, bon, fantastique, mauvais (mauvais because it is the only adjective with a negative connotation)
20. la tête, la main, la plage, la jambe (la plage because it is the only one which is not a part of the body)
21. anglais, heureux, français, canadien (heureux because it is the only one which is not a nationality)
22. Monet, Renoir, Matisse, Degas (Matisse because he is the only non-Impressionist artist)
23. le livre, les maths, les sciences, l’EPS (le livre because it is the only one which is not a school subject)
24. à la maison, au centre commercial, avec mes amis, en classe (avec mes amis because it is the only one which is not a location)
25. laid, effrayant, mauvais, magnifique (magnifique because it is the only adjective which does not have a negative connotation)
26. J’ai chaud, J’ai de la chance, J’ai peur, J’ai faim (J’ai de la chance because it is the only one which is not a problem)
27. La Suisse, Le Madagascar, L’Australie, Le Haïti (L’Australie because it is the only one which is not a French-speaking country)
28. un livre, un chat, un crayon, un stylo (un chat because it is the only one which is not a school supply)
29. avec, huit, quinze, quatorze (avec because it is the only one which is not a number)
30. le frère, la sœur, la maison, le père (la maison because it is the only one which is not a family member)
31. J’aime, Je ne comprends pas, Je ne sais pas, Je ne veux pas (J’aime because it is the only one which is not a negative statement)
32. le café, le petit déjeuner, le déjeuner, le dîner (le café because it is the only one which is not a meal)
Click here to read more activity suggestions for alternate schedule days.
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